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Full name: Jan Wigestrand (last name: Wigestrand, first name: Jan) DNA identifier AMEL X Y CSF1PO 10 11 D13S317 12 13 D16S539 11 12 D18S51 16 18 D19S433 15 D21S11 27 30 D2S1338 20 23 D3S1358 17 18 D5S818 9 11 D7S820 8 9 D8S1179 12 13 FGA 20 21 TH01 7 9 TPOX 8 9 vWA 17 18 ,

DNA identifier AMEL X Y CSF1PO 10 11 D13S317 12 13 D16S539 11 12 D18S51 16 18 D19S433 15 15 D21S11 27 30 D2S1338 20 23 D3S1358 17 18 D5S818 9 11 D7S820 8 9 D8S1179 12 13 FGA 20 21 TH01 7 9 TPOX 8 9 vWA 17 18 ., this page includes no secrets,

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askjan, askjanwigestrand, ask jan wigestrand, spør Jan wigestrand, spoer Jan Wigestrand, spor Jan Wigestrand, contact for questions, help reducing guesswork, Jan Wigestrand message.html, messagehtml,

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Jan Wigestrand open, jan wigestrand's message page, jan wigestrands message page, personal message, PM, please send comments or corrections to janwigestrand@protonmail.com.,

send comments to Jan Wigestrand, kontakt Jan Wigestrand via kontaktskjema, send kommentarer til Jan Wigestrand, cut and paste, copy and paste, klipp og lim inn, kopier og lim inn, creative freedom, copyright information, copyright © Jan Wigestrand 1995-2021, Copyright Jan Wigestrand All rights reserved., copyright © 2021 Jan Wigestrand med enerett, alle rettigheter reservert, alle rettigheter forbeholdes, janwigestrand, wigestrandjan,

Jan Wigestrand text, the text by Jan Wigestrand, the text is written by Jan Wigestrand, the text was written by Jan Wigestrand, the text written by Jan Wigestrand, Jan Wigestrand tekst, tekst av Jan Wigestrand, teksten er skrevet av Jan Wigestrand, teksten var skrevet av Jan Wigestrand, tekst skrevet av Jan Wigestrand,

server location Brazil, server location Brasil, END OF CONTENT

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